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What is Radon?

Radon is a colourless, odourless and tasteless natural gas found in soil and rocks. Levels vary throughout Mid Devon from parish to parish and even from house to house in the same street. The problem is not just limited to the South West and Radon is present in all parts of the UK.

We all breathe in Radon throughout our lives and for most UK residents it accounts for approximately half their total annual radiation dosage. However, certain geological conditions, including those found in the South West, can lead to above average Radon levels. Very high levels of Radon are linked to an excess risk of lung cancer.

In open spaces, when Radon mixes with air, it's quickly diluted into the atmosphere. However air containing Radon can find its way into your home or workplace, mainly through cracks in floors and gaps around service pipes from the ground below. Unless you have your property tested, you will not know what level of Radon is present. However, you can find out if your property is in a high or low risk area.

The highest Radon areas have been defined by Government as Radon Affected Areas, employers and householders may consult with UK Radon to see if their premises are located in one of these Areas (a small fee is charged). In addition to this dataset a free map for England and Wales is available.  Further details can be obtained at UK Radon Search versus Free Map.

Radon in the home

UK Radon Householders

Information for householders - whether you need to know the basics about radon or how to reduce high levels, you can find it all including a short beginners guide to radon as an animation which covers:

  • What is radon?
  • Radon in homes
  • Radon risks
  • Radon areas
  • Radon reduction

Radon in the workplace

UK Radon Employers

Information for employers - whether you need to know the basics about radon or you need help to fulfil your health and safety requirement or guidance, you can find it all;

  • What is radon?
  • Radon in the workplace
  • Radon areas
  • Radon measuring
  • Radon reduction
  • Health & Safety responsibilities to employees
  • Managing large property portfolios
  • Information to pass to employees

Where can I find out more?

To find out more about Radon and how to obtain a test in your home or workplace click on the link below:

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