Fly tipped waste is not only illegal but it can be unsightly and dangerous. It is an offence for any person to leave refuse or litter in areas unlawfully and offenders will be liable to prosecution.
Report - Fly Tipping
What you need to know
For very large quantities of fly tipped waste or incidents which might threaten to pollute a water course, the Environment Agency can investigate flytipping - their hotline number is 0800 807060. However you can tell us about any incidents of flytipping in the Mid Devon area and we will investigate and hand on incidents to outside organisations if necessary.
Removal of fly tipped waste on private land
If waste has been deposited on private land, it falls upon the owner or occupier of the land to arrange for its collection and disposal. We are unable to remove and dispose of the waste, but there are occasions when we can require the owner or occupier to do so. These circumstances include if the waste is escaping onto other land, giving rise to a statutory nuisance, is providing food or harbourage to rats or mice, or is polluting the land or controlled waters.
We can offer advice to land owners and occupiers on how to prevent flytipping on their land. In addition, if you have witnessed the waste being tipped, or there is evidence within the waste, we can investigate the incident with a view to prosecuting the person responsible.
What we need
- The exact location of the fly tipping.
- What the rubbish is and how much there is of it.
- If you witnessed the fly tipping, the date and time of the incident and a description of those involved and any vehicle details.
- If you have them, a picture of the fly tip.
Other ways to Apply
Online is the best way to apply as you can update your details or view the status of the active service.
Alternatively you can contact our customer services team on 01884 255255.