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Trees on land that we own or are managed by us are as follows:

  • Gardens of council property*
  • Communal areas of council homes or flats
  • Parks
  • Cemeteries
  • Public Open spaces

Damaged or dangerous trees

If you need to report a damaged or dangerous tree, which is managed or maintained by us, please use our online form Report a damaged or dangerous tree.

*For any queries relating to trees located in the garden of one of our council houses, please contact our Housing Tenancy team.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Can you recommend a good tree surgeon?

We cannot recommend any one tree surgeon. The Arboricultural Association, a "trade organisation", publishes a list of members who work in the District and are approved, certified and fully insured.

2. How often does the Council prune trees?

There is no particular period between pruning operations. Trees will be pruned when it is necessary to keep them safe or where they are causing a serious obstruction.

3. My house is shaded by my neighbour's tree. What can I do?

The first thing you should do is to talk to your neighbour. If you cannot reach an amicable agreement and the shade is cast by an evergreen hedge, we may be able to help, please see our High Hedges page. If the problem does not come from a hedge, or it is not evergreen, we cannot get involved.

4. Does the Council prune privately owned trees?

Unfortunately we cannot prune trees on private land.

5. What about Council trees?

We will not:

  • fell healthy trees.
  • reduce the height of trees
  • any other work that will compromise the health of a tree
  • prune trees to improve light levels at properties
  • prune trees to improve TV/Satellite reception

We will prune or fell trees that are:

  • dangerous
  • obstructing a footpath or highway
  • require thinning as part of good arboriculture management

Where trees are felled, in accordance with our Tree Conservation & Maintenance Policy, we aim to plant a replacement tree. 

If you suspect that a tree belonging to us is causing subsidence to your property, you must contact your insurance company in the first instance.

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