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Image of Tommy WalshTommy is best known for his presenting role in Ground Force alongside Charlie Dimmock and Alan Titchmarsh. Educated at Parmiter's School, then a grammar school in Bethnal Green, Walsh became a builder and first came to public attention after appearing in the BBC television gardening programme Ground Force. He stayed with the show for the rest of its run, from 1997 to 2005.

His hard landscaping and building knowledge and skills led him to go on to film Fix It Yourself for Discovery Real Time in 2010 and his series, Fix Your House for Free? made in 2009 for Discovery Real Time was another successful series. In 2007, Tommy and his team pushed their talent and dexterity right to the edge, going beyond anything he has previously attempted on TV, with the task of building a new home in 60 days for £60K. It was built in the most eco and cost-friendly manner as possible, with construction materials which take into account eco benefits, cost, availability and ease of use. Recently, Tommy was back on our screens on BBC1 presenting Cowboys & Angels.

His book DIY Survival on publication made it into the UK’s bestsellers list and he subsequently published four project books; Kitchen DIY, Bathroom DIY, Outdoor DIY and Living Spaces DIY.

Tommy had a small acting role in the film One. He is Patron of the Stairway to Heaven Memorial Trust, and is the subject of the song "Tommy Walsh's Eco House" on the 2011 album 90 Bisodol (Crimond) by the band Half Man Half Biscuit. He has also appeared on Lily Savage's Blankety Blank amongst other TV guest appearances.

Personal life

Tommy presently lives in South Hackney, with his wife and three children and in addition to his television work, runs his own building business.

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