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Posted On: 18-10-2019
Posted In: Housing

Image of Tommy Walsh giving his keynote speechOn Wednesday evening, 2 October, the Council's Public Health & Regulatory Services team organised another successful event aimed at improving private rented accommodation.

Held at the Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, the event promised to help landlords be mindful of their legal obligations and to ensure their tenants have access to good quality, well managed and safe rental accommodation. The event sold out in advance and judging by the feedback received from the delegates and exhibitors, the event succeeded in delivering these aims.

The evening’s line up included an engaging keynote speech from English TV personality, presenter and celebrity builder Tommy Walsh who, also a landlord himself, shared his experiences with attendees. Bitesize talks covering changes in legislation that affect landlords were provided by Joanne Young of Ashfords, and electrical safety in the rental sector by NAPIT field officer Steve Reid. 

There were a selection of stands from over 20 local businesses and services providing professional advice and information for attendees.

Joanne Young, Senior Associate, Ashfords LLP said:

“It was great to be involved with the event and to see so many landlords in attendance. At a time when the private rental market is legally in such a huge state of flux and uncertainty, events such as this are invaluable for landlords.”

Comments from attendees were really positive and there was overwhelming support for further events in the future. Some of the comments at the close of the evening included:

The Public Health & Regulatory Services team offers it’s thanks to all who attended and in particular, the speakers, exhibitors and Hartnoll Hotel for hosting the event. If you or your business would like to be involved in future events, please contact the team to register your interest early via 01885 255255 or email

For more information

To find out more about this event, visit Landlord Networking Event 2019.