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We try to get things right the first time and when we do, we’d love you to let us know.  It’s great for us to receive positive comments or feedback, so if you wish to compliment our staff for doing a great job, we’d love to hear from you.

When you contact us to tell us you are dissatisfied with the service we have provided, we’ll offer you the choice to have an informal conversation to see if we can put things right quickly, without the need for a formal investigation. This is called a Service Request, if you would like to log a Service Request you can do so online at: My Mid Devon, clicking on the Housing and Homelessness tab and then clicking on the Service Request link. 

However, if you prefer, we can log a formal complaint at first request. 

The Council revised their corporate Complaints and Feedback Policy in 2024, a copy of this document is available to view on our webpages at: Customer feedback and complaints - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK


The Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) Complaint Handling Code

The HOS Complaint Handling Code promotes a positive complaints culture across the social housing sector ensuring that complaints are dealt with fairly in accordance with the requirements of the Code.

Landlords are expected to annually self-assess against the Code and publish the outcome.  The Code has recently been revised and came into effect from 1 April 2024.  MDH have reviewed their self-assessment form against the Code and this is now available to view on our webpages.

Councillor Simon Clist, Cabinet Member for Housing, Assets & Property quoted” I have reviewed MDH’s Annual Complaint Handling Report and supporting documents including performance data, lessons learnt and our self-assessment against the HOS Complaint Handling Code. As a result, I’m satisfied that we have complied with the HOS Complaint Handling Code requirements in how we manage our complaint handling”.

An Annual Complaint Handling Report and associated documents relating to performance, lessons learnt and a copy of the self-assessment against the Code was presented to the Councils Home Policy Development Group on 11 June 2024.  A copy of this report including Minutes of the meeting are  available to view at: Agenda for Homes Policy Development Group on Tuesday, 11th June, 2024, 2.15 pm - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK 

A copy of the above documents were also provided to the HOS to show compliancy with the HOS Code requirements.

Further details of the revised Code is available on the Housing Ombudsman Service webpages at: The Complaint Handling Code | Housing Ombudsman Service (



We follow the Housing Ombudsman’s definition of a complaints as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents’.

What is not a complaint?

Some areas of dissatisfaction fall outside of the complaints and feedback policy and therefore we will not be able to investigate them as a complaint.  These can include:

  • Day to day service requests or reporting faults
  • A criticism, or disagreement with MDH policies or decisions
  • Complaints against individual employees which arise from dissatisfaction with a council policy or decision, and where no other basis for the complaint exists
  • Complaints which constitute a refusal to accept a rule of law which MDH is applying

When you let us know that you are unhappy about something, you will be given the option for us to try and resolve your complaint informally.  Often it is clear what has gone wrong and we are able to put things right quickly, without the need for a formal investigation. 

If it is not possible for us to resolve or if you prefer, you can log a formal complaint straight away.  All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

You can make a complaint, leave a compliment or feedback, in the following ways:  

Report - Customer Feedback

What you need to know

We aim to provide high-quality services to all who live or work in Mid Devon. If you have any suggestions on how our services or facilities could be improved, wish to make a complaint, or wish to compliment our staff for doing a good job, we want to hear from you.

What we need

Your customer compliment, comment or complaint and contact details so we can respond if necessary.

Other ways to Apply

Online is the best way to apply as you can view the status of the active customer feedback case.

Alternatively you can contact our customer services team on 01884 255255 - Contact details and opening hours for times.

Write to us at Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton EX16 6PP.

Visit us in Tiverton - see Contact details and opening hours for office location and opening times


When making a complaint please ensure you provide us with:

  • Your full name and address and preferred method of contact
  • If you’re complaining on behalf of someone, their full name and address along with a signed consent for acting on their behalf
  • A list of relevant points, highlighting any important issues
  • Details of how you have been affected
  • What you would like to achieve
  • Copies of any supporting documents to support your complaint

There are 5 elements within Stage 1:

  • Acknowledge the issue and agreeing the scope of the complaint
  • Investigating the complaint
  • Making a decision on the evidence obtained
  • Communicating the decision
  • Taking action to put things right where they have gone wrong

Stage 1 complaints are dealt with by the Housing Complaints Officer or Service Manager and resolved within 10 working days.  If for any reason your complaint is going to take longer, will keep you up to date on our progress


If you are not satisfied with the Stage 1 response, you can escalate to Stage 2.

The Stage 2 complaint is not a reinvestigation, it establishes:

  • Whether the stage 1 investigation was adequately thorough and impartial
  • If any fault was found, whether things have been put right for the complainant

Stage 2 complaints are dealt with by a Senior Manager and resolved within 10 working days of the complaint being escalated.  If a response to your complaint is going to take longer, we will provide an explanation contacting a clear timeframe for when a response will be received.


If you are not satisfied with your Stage 2 response, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service. 

The Housing Ombudsman can be contacted at or by using the contact details below:

Contact us - Housing Ombudsman (

Call on 0300 111 3000 - Phonelines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Lines will be closed for staff training every Thursday from 3.30pm to 5pm.

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D


We will hold your contact details name, address, email address and telephone number

Customer services collect this information

This information will be collected by web form, online, email, facebook, twitter, phone, letter or face to face conversations

Information is collected to enable investigation and response to you regarding issues raised in your complaint, to provide feedback to services and individuals if you are making a comment or passing on a compliment

Information will be used for the purposes of investigation and response to you regarding issues raised in your complaint, to provide feedback to services if you are making a comment or passing on a compliment

Personal information will be shared with other services and individuals for investigation of issues, and for passing on feedback

All personal data is retained on a password protected system and all ICT systems are accredited to Public Service Network standards with access restricted to relevant staff. All paper records are stored securely and we have a clear desk policy

We will retain your personal data for 2 years in line with our retention policy and guidelines. Subject access requests for your information can be requested via customer services by telephoning 01884 255255 or emailing You can also visit our website and view our data protection guidance page.


Please read our corporate feedback and complaints policy for more information Feedback and complaints - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK

Please read our Unacceptable Behaviour Procedure

Please read our MDH compensation policy for more information Tenant compensation - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK


Feedback form

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