Consultation Hub
Get involved in our consultations
At MDH, we will use consultations to listen to you and give you the chance to influence the services we provide.
We will be posting open consultations on this page for you to take part in. We will also list past consultations so that you can see what we have been working on.
We want to ensure that any decisions we make on housing related policies, reflect the needs of our tenants.
Open consultations
We do not currently have any open consultations.
When consultations are live, policy and procedure documents are available to view in the documents section of this page or visit the consultation hub on Let's Talk Mid Devon for more information
Visit Let's Talk Mid Devon or follow us on Facebook for regular consultation updates @middevonhousing
Have your say and tell us what you think by contacting us…
Email us:
Phone us: 01884 255255
Find us on Facebook: @MidDevonHousing
We really appreciate you taking the time to read our policies and your feedback. Any comments are gratefully received. We will provide feedback on your comments once the consultation has closed.
We will hold your contact details name, address, email address and telephone number
This information will be collected by web form, online, email, facebook, twitter, phone, letter or face to face conversations
Information is collected to enable investigation and response to you regarding issues raised in your complaint, to provide feedback to services and individuals if you are making a comment or passing on a compliment
Information will be used for the purposes of investigation and response to you regarding issues raised in your complaint, to provide feedback to services if you are making a comment or passing on a compliment
Personal information will be shared with other services and individuals for investigation of issues, and for passing on feedback
All personal data is retained on a password protected system and all ICT systems are accredited to Public Service Network standards with access restricted to relevant staff. All paper records are stored securely and we have a clear desk policy
We will retain your personal data for 2 years in line with our retention policy and guidelines. Subject access requests for your information can be requested via customer services by telephoning 01884 255255 or emailing You can also visit our website and view our data protection guidance page.