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Performance Reporting

We regularly review our performance, and continually monitor and measure the work of our teams, using the data collected to identify areas for improvement. We are reviewing the way we publish some information to make sure it is easy to read and understand. If you would like to get involved in the development of our performance reporting, please contact the Tenant Involvement Team by phone on 01884 255255 or by email

Responding to Change

Over the last few years we have seen some big changes happen within the social housing sector. The devastating tragedy at Grenfell Tower took the lives of at least 72 people sparked the start of change, starting with the Social Housing White Paper which was published at the end of 2020. This is essentially a charter that sets out what tenants can expect from a landlord and makes it easier for tenants to them accountable.

The charter for social housing residents: social housing white paper - GOV.UK (

Fast forward to 2023 and we are now waiting for the Social Housing Regulation Bill to complete its final stages through Parliament which will be any day now. The aim of this bill is to deliver the proposals that were set out in the White Paper by introducing a set of measures that give tenants and the Regulator of Social Housing more power. The Regulator has created a new system to assess how well social housing landlords in England are doing to provide good quality homes and services. In addition to revised consumer standards, the new system includes a set of tenant satisfaction measures.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

From April 2023 social housing providers started collecting data on the new TSMs which will be submitted to the Regulator in 2024 and each year going forward. You may remember a survey we conducted at the end of 2022, this was a pilot survey for the TSMs. You can see the results for this survey and a full explanation of the TSMs and what they mean for you on the downloads section on the right hand side of this page.


In order to assess our performance we attempt to measure our indicators (where possible) to the same standard as others, allowing us to compare our performance with theirs. This is a process called 'benchmarking' and it is the best way for us to determine the areas in which we are succeeding or need to improve. Our benchmarking is undertaken through our membership of HouseMark, with benchmarked data placing us in one of the following four quartiles:

  • Top quartile: This is the top result for performance indicators
  • 2nd quartile: These results are above average but do not excel enough to achieve top quartile, these do not indicate any immediate cause for concern
  • 3rd quartile: These results are below average and indicate an area that is in need of improvement
  • Bottom quartile: This is the lowest quartile and any performance indicator in this category needs attention to help it improve



Annual Report 2022-2023

The report provides (available in the downloads) you with a review our performance and, includes a summary of the work that we did throughout this financial year.  

We welcome any feedback you may have regarding our Annual Report, this includes suggestions for performance data that you would like to see in future editions.

For the future productions of the report, we are looking to create a designated Focus Group with residents. We recognise that this is your opportunity to see how we are performing and we want to work with you to provide a meaningful report that you would find useful. 

If you wish to discuss the content with us or would like to be part of the Focus Group, please contact us on 01884 255255 or or by completing the contact form.

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