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Please find below some examples of what is considered as a Service Request by Mid Devon Housing (MDH).

  • A request for compensation for damage to possessions following repair works carried out at your home.
  • A request for compensation to cover the cost of temporary heating when a tenant has been without heating.
  • A tenant has encountered a missed repairs appointment and has requested
  • A councillor acting on behalf of a tenant has sought advice on proposed repairs works.
  • A tenant has been informed they are responsible for maintaining a fence, which they don’t agree with.
  • A tenant’s possessions have been damaged due to damp and they are seeking compensation for damaged goods.
  • A tenant has raised their heating costs are too high and they think this is related to the type of heating they have installed.
  • A tenant has asked for MDH to install a shower screen correctly as they feel it was not installed correctly in the first instance.
  • A tenant has received a generic letter about their rent account which they don’t understand.
  • A group of tenants have raised issues about parking where they This is the first time they have brought this to MDH’s attention.

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