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We are letting garages but limited availability in some areas means that we have to maintain waiting lists.  Contact us on if you do not have an active application at present, and we can provide advice on whether or not there is a waiting list in the area where you would like to rent a garage.

We own over 1,000 garages across Mid Devon. For charges please either Contact us or call 01884 234280.

Who can apply for a garage?

Anyone over 18 years of age is eligible to apply.
Businesses may also apply for a garage to store a vehicle for business purposes. They may also store other items so long as the garage is not used as a retail outlet or for advertising purposes.
Registered charities can rent garages at a reduced amount as long as we see proof of charitable registration.

Who's not eligible to apply for a garage?

Applications will not be accepted from persons with which the following circumstances apply:

  • Tenants of ours that are in rent arrears or breach of tenancy conditions
  • Committed acts of anti-social behaviour within the last two years
  • Allowed a council property to be used for illegal purposes
  • Serious damage or neglect of a council property
  • Intentionally misinforming us about information that we would need
  • Threatening behaviour or being violent or abusive towards council staff within the last two years

Apply - Application for a Council Garage or a Garage Ground Rent Plot

What you need to know

You'll be asked to provide your personal details and you'll be able to choose up to three areas in which you wish to rent a garage. Priority is given to tenants living within those areas.

What we need

In order to rent a garage or ground rent plot you need to complete this online form and offer proof of identity and place of residence. Listed below are the types of identification we can accept. We need at least one item from each list for both identity and residence.

Proof of I.D:

  • Driving Licence (photo-card and/or paper counterpart)
  • Passport (current and valid)
  • Birth Certificate (full or short)
  • Employment / Student Card
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate
  • Deed Poll Document
  • Divorce / Annulment Papers
  • NHS Medical Card
  • National Insurance Card
  • Identity Card

Proof of residence:

  • Driving Licence (photo-card and/or paper counterpart)
  • Recent Utility Bill (paid in last quarter)
  • Council Tax Bill
  • Rent Card
  • Tenancy Agreement
  • Benefit Statement
  • Electoral Registration Card
  • Recent Bank Statement (dated within last four weeks)
  • Recent Pay Slip
  • Life Assurance / Insurance Policies
  • Certificate of Employment in HM Forces or Merchant Navy
  • Confirmation Letter from Employer, Solicitor, Social Worker, Probation Officer or Inland Revenue

Other ways to Apply

Online is the best way to apply as you can update your details or view the status of the active service.

Alternatively you can contact our customer services team on 01884 255255.

Insurance documents

We're not responsible for any items contained within a rented garage. It's up to you to make sure they're insured.

You'll need to provide a copy of an insurance certificate for the vehicle to be stored in the garage. If you've registered your vehicle with the DVLA as off-road, then we need to see your Statutory Off-Road Notice (SORN) instead, see GOV.UK - Make a SORN.

If you're using the garage to store other items, you'll need to sign a disclosure admitting you're responsible for the items stored.