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What is rent-to-rent?

Are you familiar with the term 'rent-to-rent'? Are you at risk? 

A recent High Court ruling emphasises the importance of knowing who is occupying your rental properties and carrying out regular checks.

A couple in East London have received  record fines for operating unlicensed Houses in multiple occupation (HMO).

The pair let out multiple properties to an individual, claiming they were for a single household occupancy, which were then sub-let to numerous individuals without the appropriate licence.

The ruling sets out that the offence of managing or having control of an unlicensed HMO is a strict liability offence.  Such a large fine also reiterates the seriousness of not adhering to the regulations. 

Don't let scammers take advantage; as the owner you could end up in trouble!

Where can I find out more?

With the current shortage of rental accommodation you may like to think about setting up and managing an HMO yourself. Click here for more information.

The London Property Licensing website has more information on this particular ruling.

How to Let guidance is an essential starting point for managing rental property. 

Other available support

As Property Licensing continues to get more complex across the UK and with record fines being handed out to non-compliant landlords and letting agents, the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) have teamed up with Kamma to offer you a comprehensive licensing support service as part of your membership. Find out more about NRLA services here.

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