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Supporting you and your tenants in 2022/23

Government funding for Discretionary Housing Payments has been drastically reduced for 2022/23.

It's really important to identify tenants who are struggling with their rent early on. This will help avoid substantial arrears which we are unlikely to be able to pay through a discretionary housing payment.

If your tenants are receiving Universal Credit and are more than one month’s rent in arrears, you can apply for a Managed Payment to Landlord. We would strongly encourage you to do this before a discretionary home payment is applied for.

Where can I find out more?

See more information about alternative payment arrangements on GOV.UK.

What other help is available?

You may also like to pass on our Residents’ Financial Help webpage to your tenants so they can check if they are eligible for any additional support.

Who can I contact?

Please contact our Customer Welfare Officer if you have any queries.

Thank you for your support and for working with us to help those tenants most in need.

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