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A fire safety reminder

You may have seen the recent social media posts from Devon & Somerset Fire Service relating to a housefire caused by a rechargeable battery. The occupants had to be rescued and thankfully there were no fatalities on this occasion.

Why's this incident important?

The fire service reported that the occupants were unable to get out due to a blocked escape route.  It serves as a reminder to make sure our homes and rental property's are safe.

What are my responsibilities?

The Housing Act 2004 requires that no high risk hazards should be present - this includes fire. You should not only consider the risk of a fire occurring but also the severity of harm to the occupant if a fire does occur. Think about the escape you have to go through a kitchen or living room to escape? Have a look at our landlord guidance.

The fire service has helpful fire safety advice for landlord and letting agents on their website.

Single Household

Single household properties with no shared areas should:

  • have at least one working smoke alarm on each floor of the residential accommodation;
  • have a working carbon monoxide alarm in any room containing a solid fuel-burning appliance (such as an open fire or wood-burning stove) or gas appliances;
  • check the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are working before a new tenancy starts;
  • get gas appliances checked by a registered Gas Safe engineer each year;
  • ensure any furniture provided meets the required safety standards;
  • make sure any electrical equipment provided meets the required safety standards;
  • carry out safety checks on electrical appliances and remove any unsafe ones;
  • keep a copy of safety certificates so your tenants can verify that gas and electrical appliances have been checked.

Be aware - If the escape route goes through other rooms or is a long distance, then you may be required to provide better fire detection or other works.

Shared parts of a building

If you are responsible for the common areas of a HMO or block of flats, as well as the above, there are additional requirements including carrying out a proper risk assessment.








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