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Adopted Local Plan

The Local Plan will guide development in the district over the period to 2033 and aims to ensure that new homes, jobs and services needed by communities are located in the most sustainable places. It will also help deliver the infrastructure, facilities and other developments needed to make this possible. The Local Plan was adopted on 29 July 2020. View the adoption statement. View the Sustainability Appraisal post adoption statement

The adopted plan and associated policies maps can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Mid Devon Local Plan Review (2013-2033) 

Policies Maps

While the adopted Local Plan is available to download for free, if you would like to have your own paper copy, they are available to buy for £18. To buy one, you will need to call our Customer Services team on 01884 255 255 and ask for a copy of the ‘Local Plan’. You will be asked to provide your name, address and payment details. A copy of the document will then be posted to you.

Adopted Local Plan Review Evidence Base

The evidence base for the Adopted Local Plan Review