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A new Planning Policy Statement was adopted on 7 March 2023, following public consultation. It will be brought into effect through an amendment to the Council’s local validation criteria for planning applications that are submitted to the Council for determination. The Planning Policy Statement aims to help new developments in the district meet green credentials in relation to climate change mitigation and adaption and support our move towards a net zero carbon future.

The Planning Policy Statement follows the Council’s adoption of the Devon Climate Change Declaration and the Mid Devon Climate Strategy 2020-2024. It supports relevant policies in the adopted Mid Devon Local Plan and introduces interim measures while we are preparing ‘Plan Mid Devon’ which will be a new Local Plan for the district.

The Planning Policy Statement includes:

  • A climate emergency checklist for submitting and assessing planning applications
  • Examples of best practice for achieving net zero carbon homes
  • A spreadsheet for comparing the costs and benefits of different ‘low carbon’ standards for new homes

It applies to all planning applications for the development and use of land and buildings in Mid Devon, except those that are subject to ‘permitted development rights’, where there is no need to apply for planning permission. Further exemptions include the small part of the district which falls within the Dartmoor National Park, as development within this area is the responsibility of the National Park Authority. The checklist can be used to help guide the preparation of planning applications submitted to the Council for determination and also help inform the decisions made on these. It will help underline that tackling climate change is an important material consideration in the planning process.

Non-Statutory Interim Planning Policy Statement: Climate Emergency

Climate Emergency – Planning Applications Checklist

Net Zero Carbon Toolkit

Net Zero Housing Assessment Tool

Net Zero Housing Assessment Tool Example

Previous Consultation

A public consultation took place from Monday 24th October to Friday 16th December 2022, receiving 18 representations. A Statement of Participation has been produced setting out each representation and the Council's response. All comments received within the consultation period were carefully considered to help us finalise the Planning Policy Statement before adoption by the Council.

Links to the Non-Statutory Interim Planning Policy Statement: Climate Emergency and further information about the consultation can be found below:

Statement of Participation

Statement of Availability

Statement of Representation Procedure

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