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The Mid Devon Local Plan Review has been adopted at an extraordinary meeting of the Full Council held on 29th July, see Mid Devon Local Plan Review 2013 to 2033 Adoption Statement. The full press release can be viewed here. The Mid Devon Local Plan Review 2013-2033 replaces the Core Strategy, AIDPD and Development Management policies that make up the previous Local Plan below and are no longer in force.

The previous Local Plan is comprised of three parts. The Core Strategy 2007 (Local Plan Part 1), the Allocations and Infrastructure Development Plan Document (AIDPD) 2010 (Local Plan Part 2) and Local Plan Part 3: Development Management Policies 2013. The majority of evidence for the current Local Plan is located below, however, some of the evidence base has been used in the emerging Local Plan Review and can be found on the Local Plan Review Evidence Base page.

A list of site specific evidence considered during the preparation of the Allocations and Infrastructure DPD (Local Plan Part 2) is here

For further information about the LDF Evidence Base please contact the Forward Planning team on 01884 255255