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Consultants Countryscape and Fiona Fyfe Associates have completed a Landscape Character Assessment Review (‘LCA’) for Mid Devon.

The Mid Devon Landscape Character Assessment Review has been prepared in accordance with national guidance and Devon-wide protocols and is consistent with similar assessments published by neighbouring authorities. It provides the Council with an assessment of the landscape of Mid Devon, updating descriptions of the variations in landscape character across Devon Character Areas (DCAs) and Landscape Character Types (LCTs), and takes into consideration the current and future drivers for change which act upon the landscape which have altered since the previous assessment was completed in 2011, not least the impacts of climate change, biodiversity decline, pressures for new housing, and need for more renewable energy development.

The Mid Devon Landscape Character Assessment Review (October 2024) will form part of the technical evidence base used to inform the preparation of a new local plan for the district (‘Plan Mid Devon’). It will also be capable of being used to guide planning applications that are submitted to the Council for determination and inform the decisions made on these.