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We’re working on our next Local Plan called ‘Plan Mid Devon’ which will guide development in the district over a 20 year period and aims to ensure that new homes, jobs and services needed by communities are located in the most sustainable places. It will also help deliver the infrastructure, facilities, land for habitat creation/enhancement and other developments needed to make this possible. This page sets out the history of Plan Mid Devon, for current information please visit our Plan Mid Devon page.

Call for Sites 8 February – 22 March 2021

A call for sites was launched 8 February - 22 March 2021. Its purpose was to help inform the next Local Plan and will provide background evidence on the potential availability of sites. This provided individuals and organisations the opportunity to suggest to the Council sites that they think have the potential to be developed for housing, economic or other uses over the coming decades. To find out more about this process please see our Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment page.



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