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A Playing Pitch Strategy has been completed for Mid Devon by consultant Bennett Leisure and Planning and was approved by the Council following a meeting of the Cabinet on 4 April 2022. This includes amendments made following public consultation on a draft document in late 2021.

The Playing Pitch Strategy is a technical document which includes recommendations for the provision of playing pitch facilities for the district. The strategy looks at football, rugby, cricket, hockey, tennis and bowls facilities and includes an assessment of the future needs for the area.

The Playing Pitch Strategy has been prepared following Sport England’s guidance, and is supported by representatives from the national sports governing bodies and Sport England. The assessment of facilities and future needs have been informed through engagement with local sports clubs, schools and Town and Parish Councils.

The Playing Pitch Strategy will be used by the Council to help inform the preparation of a new Local Plan for Mid Devon and will be capable of being used to help guide decisions made on planning applications submitted to the Council for determination. It will also be capable of being used by the Council in the preparation of other plans, programmes and strategies in helping to inform its decisions as a provider of Leisure Centres and sports pitch facilities, and public car parks.

The Playing Pitch Strategy can be used by applicants for planning permission, where relevant, to help inform their development proposals submitted to the Council for determination. It can also be used by private and third sector providers of playing pitches, and support local sports clubs and organisations, in their making bids for funding from a variety of sources to maintain and improve provision.

The Playing Pitch Strategy will be subject to a future review, and its recommendations and actions will be subject to ongoing engagement between the Council, Sport England, national sports governing bodies, private and third sector providers of playing pitch facilities and sports clubs in Mid Devon. This can include a Strategy Delivery Group where this is necessary to oversee the implementation of elements of the Playing Pitch Strategy.