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The Government wants to enable more people to build their own home. Currently, only 8% of new homes are built this way in the UK, but this form of Custom and Self Build housing is growing in popularity.

The Council recognises the potential benefits of Custom and Self Build in meeting the housing needs of Mid Devon residents. It provides opportunities to reduce costs by sourcing your own materials and being involved in the construction and fitting yourself and create high quality, well-designed buildings bespoke to your needs. Custom and Self Build Housing is also likely to draw upon local tradespeople and suppliers, supporting the local economy.

Delivering Custom and Self Build housing developments in your community

Cover image of Custom and Self Build document

Mid Devon District Council has published a new guide to help communities bring forward Custom and Self Build homes in their local areas.

The document, A guide to delivering Custom and Self Build housing in your community  (June 2019)” is aimed towards residents, town and parish councils, neighbourhood plan groups and community land trusts in order to communicate the benefits of this form of housing and provide guidance on how they can actively get involved in bringing forward Custom and Self Build homes.

Register your interest

We are asking people to get in touch if they are interested in building their own home. Please complete the Self Build Interest Application Form to register your interest in developing a ‘self build’ property in the Mid Devon district.

A couple standing in front of an uncompleted building

We will use the information to understand demand and inform policies to improve the supply of land for Custom and Self Build housing. All personal information will be kept strictly confidential. The Council may contact people on the Register when opportunities become available or pass their contact details to landowners or builders who are providing custom housing, but only if it is clearly stated on the form that the Council can use a person’s contact details in this way. To understand how we process your personal information, please see our Self Build Privacy Notice

Frequently asked questions