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Draft Supplementary Planning Document

The Council is in the process of preparing a new Supplementary Planning Document ‘Refuse storage for new residential properties’ which includes guidance on the design of waste and recycling storage for all types of properties in Mid Devon.  Following initial consultation representations were taken into account to prepare a draft SPD which was consulted on from 10 October 2016 – 21 November 2016.

Representations received

A total of 11 valid representations were received for the draft SPD consultation which ran from 10 October 2016 – 21 November 2016.

 Rep 1 -

Persimmon Homes

 Rep 2 -

South West Water

 Rep 3 -

Barrie Phillips

Rep 4 -

Chris Hudson

Rep 5 -

Silverton Parish Council

Rep 6 -

Tiverton Town Council

Rep 7 -

Crediton Town Council

Rep 8 -

Tiverton Civic Society

Rep 9 -

Roger Davey

Rep 10 -

Network Rail

Rep 11 -

Natural England


View the documents

Refuse storage for new residential properties – Draft SPD

Statement of Consultation (October 2016)

Hard copies of the draft SPD are also available at Council offices and at Mid Devon Libraries during normal opening hours.

What has happened previously?

The Council conducted an initial consultation from 23 May to 18 July 2016 on the content of a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). A total of 9 valid representations were received.

View the documents

Refuse Storage for New Residential Properties Scoping Consultation Report

Representations received

A total of 9 valid representations were received. A summary of the representations received along with the individual representation are shown below.

Summary of representations

Rep 1 -

G J Palin 

Rep 2 -

Barratt David Wilson Homes c/o LRM Planning 

Rep 3 -

Devon County Council

Rep 4 -

Crediton Town Council

Rep 5 -

Devon and Cornwall Police

Rep 6 -

Willand Parish Council

Rep 7 -

Natural England

Rep 8 -

Robert Rew

Rep 9 -

Frances Anson

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