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The Direction Article 4 (2) was confirmed by Mid Devon District Council on 31 July 2009.


Article 4(2) directions are an additional power that local planning authorities can use to try to maintain the character within conservation areas. They encourage repair and good quality restoration of existing buildings rather than replacement or alteration of key elements.

In effect, an Article 4(2) direction means that planning permission for certain works will be required, which otherwise would not have been necessary. The controls seek to ensure that any proposed changes are of good quality, are sensitive to local character and protect important historic features.

Article 4(2) directions are brought in for either the whole of, or part of conservation areas. In this instance the direction covers the whole of Cullompton conservation area. A list of those works that will now require planning permission is decided by the Local Planning Authority. In this instance those works are;


1. the replacement of windows

2. the replacement of doors

3. the removal of chimney stacks

4. the insertion of roof lights

5. the removal or lowering of boundary walls, in whole or in part


This will only apply to those parts of properties that front onto a highway, waterway or open space. The direction will also only partially affect flats, businesses or listed buildings, as those premises already require consent to undertake certain works.

An Article 4(2) direction is made on the day that it is agreed by the Local Planning Authority. This is in order that there is no lead-in time in which some building owners may decide to make last minute alterations (removing those features that the Council is trying to protect).

The existence of the Article 4(2) direction does not mean that planning permission will be refused. It requires that an application is submitted to the Local Planning Authority for consideration.