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  • What personal information do you hold?

By contacting us with regard the Cullompton Higher Bullring Public Realm Enhancement project you may be providing us with personal details such as your email address, postal address, and name.

  • Who is collecting it?

The data is collected by Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) in order to respond to the public consultation.

  • How is it collected?

The information may be collected through consultation responses submitted electronically, at the ballot boxes at the exhibitions, or by post.

  • Why is it being collected?

The information is collected in order to receive and process responses to the consultation.

  • How will it be used?

Your responses will be processed in order to respond to the consultation. Personal information will not be included in any summary which may be posted publically.

  • Who will it be shared with?

Your information may be shared with relevant project partners, including Devon County Council, Cullompton Town Council and Historic England, as part of the consultation. It may also be shared between Mid Devon District Council departments.

  • What are you doing to ensure the security of personal information?

Personal information will be stored securely on MDDC file server and database. Any paper correspondence will be scanned to electronic file and saved in the same location, and the paper copy destroyed via confidential waste processes.

  • How long will you be keeping the personal information for?

All information will be stored for 6 years following the conclusion of the Cullompton HAZ project in March 2024. 



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