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  • What personal information do you hold?

By applying for a Cullompton High Street Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) grant, you will be supplying us with personal information including your address, your interest in the proposed grant funded property (including ownership or lease details), your contact details, and your bank details, as well as any other information considered necessary to process the grant application.

  • Who is collecting it?

The data is collected by Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) in order to process and administer the HAZ grant scheme.

  • How is it collected?

The information is collected through the relevant grant scheme application forms. Any other relevant subsequent emails will be stored in the same location.

  • Why is it being collected?

The information is collected in order that grant applications can be appropriately assessed and awarded.

  • How will it be used?

The information is collected in order that grant applications can be appropriately assessed and awarded.  The data will also be used to process successful grant claims.

  • Who will it be shared with?

Your name and the address of the proposed grant funded property will be shared with the Town Centre Regeneration Partnership Group as part of the grant approvals process. Personal information including bank details, ownership or lease details and personal address (where different) will not be shared with the Group.

Personal data collected may also be passed to Historic England, who will comply with all obligations imposed on them as a data controller under Data Protection legislation.

Details of applications (including building address, project description and amount awarded) may be published or reported on the MDDC or Historic England website.  Personal details will not be included in this information. 

MDDC may also refer the application to professional advisors and sub-consultants to support the council in reviewing grant applications. Details of your application including your name, address, ownership details, and proposed grant supported work may be shared with them. In specific circumstances they may be required to get in contact with you directly. They will be required to comply with all obligations imposed on them under Data Protection Legislation.

Your details may also be shared between relevant MDDC departments as necessary.

  • What are you doing to ensure the security of personal information?

Personal documentation including grant application forms will be stored securely on MDDC file server and database. Any paper correspondence will be scanned to electronic file and saved in the same location, and the paper copy destroyed via confidential waste processes.

  • How long will you be keeping the personal information for?

All information will be stored for 6 years following the conclusion of the Cullompton HAZ project on 31 March 2024. Information regarding any grants offered will be stored for a further 4 years from this point.



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