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Permitted Development Rights

Permitted development rights allow you to make certain changes to a building without the need for planning permission. Sometimes permitted development rights are removed from a site by the Local Planning Authority following a grant of planning permission.  This can be for various reasons, such as to preserve the character of a building or to ensure that a use is restricted in a certain way. 

All properties have permitted development rights unless they have been specifically removed by the Local Planning Authority.

You may want to find out if you have permitted development rights. You can do this the following ways.

  1. Searching for the information on our Public Access Site if you have the relevant planning permission numbers
  2. Referring to the search documents provided by a solicitor when purchasing your property and checking the relevant planning decision notices for the original permission for the property or land and any subsequent planning permissions.
  3. Requesting the Council carry out a search for permitted development rights on your property (a fee is applicable)

If you establish that permitted development rights remain for a building you can check whether your proposal falls within permitted development by referring to the Planning Portal website (

If you require a formal determination as to whether your proposed development falls within permitted development you are advised to submit a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development.

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