Planning Public Inquiry - Appeal - Land at NGR 298976 112882 (Hartnoll Farm) Tiverton Devon.
UPDATE - The inquiry is now adjourned and will reopen on Friday 6th December at 9.30am for closing submissions. This will take place virtually:
Live stream via Microsoft Teams
The inquiry will be live streamed via Microsoft Teams and can be viewed by joining on your computer, mobile app or room device. You are advised to read the Council’s Privacy Notice and disclaimer regarding data collection, sharing and retention.
Meeting ID: 360 723 390 206
Passcode: 2L6YVu
Reason for Inquiry
Appeal by Waddeton Park UK Ltd against Mid Devon District Council’s non-determination of planning application 21/01576/MOUT - Outline for the extension to the existing business park for up to 3.9ha of employment land and up to 150 dwellings with associated infrastructure and access with all other matters reserved.
The application was considered by Mid Devon District Council Planning Committee held on 18 January 2023 where it was resolved that planning permission be refused as recommended in the report. A public inquiry was held on 12-15th September 2023 and the Inspector issued his decision on 20th October 2023.
Following a High Court challenge to the Inspector’s decision on this appeal dated 20th October the Court has ordered that the appeal be re-determined following a local inquiry.
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Y1138/W/22/3313401
The Inspector appointed to decide the appeal is: Mrs S Housden BA (Hons) BPI MRTPI
For further information email case officer:
Access to core documents
The appeal core documents list includes all the documents which form part of the appeal, the documents are accessible from the list.
If you have any issues accessing these documents, please email
Should you require any further information please contact or phone 01884 234262.