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This list sets out the local validation requirements.  For each item the following guidance is provided:

Whilst guidance is provided for each item, the nature and extent of the information required will depend on the individual site and proposal.  The list is not exhaustive, and it is possible that once an application has been validated, further information may have to be submitted in order for the application to be determined.  The list does not therefore limit the Council’s ability to request additional information should further issues arise during the planning application determination period.



Plans and Drawings

Agricultural Appraisal

Air Quality Assessment

Biodiversity Net Gain

Carbon Reduction Statement

Climate Emergency

Design and Access Statement Guidance

Ecology Report

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion/Scoping Opinion

Fire Statement

Flood Risk Assessment

Foul Drainage Assessment (FDA1)

Heritage Statement

Justification – For works to a Listed Building

Land Contamination Assessment

Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment/Landscape Proposals

Noise Impact Assessment

Planning Statement

Pollution Impact Statement

Retail Impact Assessment

Schedule of Works

Statement of Community Involvement

Statutory definition of a caravan

Structural Survey

Surface Water Drainage Strategy

Telecommunications & ICNIRP Certificate (Statement of Conformity)

Tourism/Holiday Lets

Transport Assessment / Travel Plan

Tree Survey and Report

Viability Assessment

Waste Audit Statement

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