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When is this required:

All Applications – Our preferred approach is completion of the checklist in the link below:

Climate Emergency – Planning Application Checklist (See Page 16) 

What information is required: 

A statement to identify how the applicant has addressed impacts in relation to climate change and interconnected environmental impacts, in construction and over the lifetime of the development. Please evidence how you have delivered / will deliver reductions in carbon emissions (greenhouse gases) and consumption of natural resources through design, construction and operational systems. The Council’s checklist provides a wide spectrum of issues such as site orientation and location, landscape and natural capital, construction materials and methods, and operational design details.

The level of information should be proportionate to the development proposals. For example, it could include a short descriptive response to a question, pointing to how each matter has been considered in the development proposal, or it might signpost to specific evidence provided in other documents submitted in support of the planning application. (For types of developments where certain elements do not apply, simply provide a brief explanation. For example, using the Net Zero Housing Assessment Tool would not apply to non-residential development.)  


Non-Statutory Interim Climate Change Planning Policy Statement: Climate Emergency - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK

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