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When is this required:

Development of a building 18m or 7 storeys high which consists of 2 or more dwellings or educational accommodation.

What information is required:

Fire Statements must be submitted on the standard form on

Fire Statements – Form Guidance


Applications for planning permission will be exempt from the requirement to submit a fire statement where:

  • the application is for a material change of use of a relevant building and the material change of use would result in the building no longer being a relevant building
  • the application is for a material change of use of land or buildings within the curtilage of a relevant build and the material change of use would not result in the provision of one or more relevant buildings
  • the application if for outline planning permission
  • the application is for permission to develop land without compliance with conditions under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990


Applications for outline planning permission may be exempt from the requirement to submit a fire statement because matters such as layout and scale can be reserved.

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