Heritage Statement
When is this required?
All application for development which:
- affect a World Heritage Site or its setting;
- affect a listed building or its setting;
- are within or would impact upon a conservation area;
- may lie within an area of archaeological interest; or
- could impact upon any other designated or non-designated heritage asset or its setting.
What information is required?
- outline the proposed works and the extent of the works, noting their scope and what they are expected to achieve – repair/alteration/extension and whether they are internal or external; describe and assess the significance of the asset affected, including any contribution made by their setting;
- identify any harm that may be caused to the heritage asset and its setting, together with an indication of any positive impacts that may occur;
- state mitigation and/or enhancement measures; and
- list the designation records for the heritage asset, including the address, number and date of listing, schedule entry or equivalent of the designated heritage asset from the National Heritage List for England as well as the description;
- a brief overview of the planning history of the heritage asset is useful, but this should be restricted to the context of the current application;
Areas of archaeological interest tend to be located around known archaeological sites, which are recorded on the Historic Environment Record, Scheduled Monuments and within Conservation Areas. The Devon Environment Viewer and Heritage Gateway websites allow access to these records and may be used to determine initial potential by applicants. A formal, more detailed, appraisal may be obtained from the Historic Environment Team at DCC.
The results of any archaeological work will need to be included in the Heritage Statement submitted with the planning application.
Further Information:
Heritage Statement/Statement of Significance - Guidance Notes on preparing a Heritage Statement
Historic environment - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)