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When is this required: 

A structural survey and schedule of works will be needed where a proposed development involves the conversion of an existing building from one use to another, it is important to establish that the building is capable of conversion.

A structural survey and schedule of works will also be required in support of any proposal to demolish or substantially demolish a listed building or a building in a conservation area, where justification for demolition is sought of the basis of its structural condition.

What information is required:  

The survey should demonstrate that a building has sufficient structural strength to accommodate the proposed change of use, together with any necessary physical alterations.  The report should include metric scaled plans that highlight the areas requiring replacement, repair or renewal.  It should identify the extent to which works or repairs are necessary and the amount of new structural work needed to carry out the conversion.  It must be clear which part of the building are to remain and which parts are to be new build.

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