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When is this required:

For development proposals on site with trees, or where trees are in close proximity of the site boundary

What information is required: 

An arboriculturalist should undertake a survey and appraisal of trees on the application site and adjoining land and produce the following information, consistent with standards set out in the British Standard 5837:2012: 

Trees to be felled and trees to be retained should be clearly marked out on a plan.  An accompanying schedule should provide full information on the amenity value of each tree together with details of species, size, age and condition. 

A tree constraints plan should show root protection areas and the canopy spread of the tree(s) on the application site and adjoining land. 

As well as trees, the survey must indicate key landscape features such as ponds, hedges and wildlife corridors that may be affected by the proposed development. Trees to be felled and trees to be retained should be clearly marked. For larger applications it will also be appropriate to provide details of the landscape strategy for the site, including indications of new native planting. 

An arboricultural method statement should be provided detailing measures to be taken to protect trees shown to be retained on the submitted drawings, accompanied by schedules of any necessary tree work and proposals for long-term maintenance. 

If you are granted full planning permission, you will not need separate consent for tree works which are required to implement the planning permission. However, to undertake any works which are not required to implement the planning permission, to protected trees or trees within a conservation area, a tree works application must be made. You may also need a felling licence from the Forestry Commission.


Further Information: 

BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction 

Felling – Getting Permission 

Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees: advice for making planning decisions 

Protected species and development: advice for local planning authorities

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