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How to renew

Depending on your chosen method of contact, we’ll send your renewal notification by email or letter approximately six weeks before your existing brown bin permit expires.

Notification by email

For notifications received by email, simply click on the enclosed link to pay online.*

Notification by letter

For notifications received by letter, you can pay for your renewal:

  • Online by typing the full web address on your letter into the address bar of your web browser, e.g. [+ the reference number on your letter]*
  • By telephone - call Customer Services quoting the reference number on your letter

*If you renew online, for convenience you’ll have the option to store your card details for automatic renewal in 12 months time.  If you don’t wish to have your subscription automatically renewed, click the ‘cancel’ button to continue with your payment.

When payment has been made, you’ll get a replacement permit within 10 days to stick onto the lid of your brown bin. You may start using your new permit as soon as it has been received. Your subscription will run for a further 12 months from the expiry date of your previous permit.

If you pay for more than one brown bin, you’ll receive renewal notifications for each permit you currently hold.

If you don’t respond to your notification for renewal, your service will be discontinued.

Additional bins

If you require additional bins, see Garden waste.


If you no longer wish to subscribe to the garden waste service using a brown bin, please follow the link in the renewal notification and select the option to 'cancel' if received by email, or telephone Customer Services if received by letter.

Once you’ve cancelled, you’ll be requested to leave the bin out for collection.