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New residents

If you've just moved to a new address in Mid Devon, you can use our look-up facility to check your collection schedule. Please use our online request form to ask for:

  • a black recycling box (for glass, paper, tins and most plastics)
  • a green recycling box (for cardboard and carton)
  • a blue kerbside caddy (for food waste)

Please contact us if you need a new collection calendar (we can provide this in large print if required).

Need a replacement or additional container?

undefinedBlack recycling boxes and lids

Note: We will also collect excess recyclable materials left out in plastic carrier bags, providing the materials have been separated.If you need an extra black recycling box or lid, please use our online request form and we will provide it free of charge. We will deliver your box as soon as possible, however, because there is a limit to how many containers we can fit on board the collection vehicles it may not be on your next scheduled collection.

undefinedGreen recycling boxes

If you need a replacement green recycling box, please use our online request form and we'll provide it free of charge. We will deliver your box as soon as possible, however, because there is a limit to how many containers we can fit on board the collection vehicles it may not be on your next scheduled collection.

undefinedBlue kerbside caddies

If you have a family of five or over and require an extra caddy, please use our online request form and we will provide it free of charge. We aim to deliver kerbside caddies on the next scheduled collection day. One kerbside caddy should be sufficient for most households. If however, you find that you still require an additional container, please contact us to let us know why as we wish to discourage excessive food wastage where possible.

Note: Excess food waste can also be placed in any plastic bag and left on top of your blue caddy for collection.

Other bins and containers

undefinedWheeled bins

For your information all households within Mid Devon will be issued a grey 180L wheeled bin during the autumn of 2022, if you purchase a wheeled bin before this date no refunds will be given if the bin is no longer required. Properties will only be able to place one grey 180L wheeled bin out for collection unless agreements have been made with Mid Devon District Council or have been issued a permit for the second wheeled bin.

All wheelie bins previously sold by Mid Devon District Council came with a 12 month guarantee which covered fair wear and tear. After 12 months the owner of the bin is responsible for any replacements.


Seagull sacks

Properties that cannot accommodate wheeled bins or in areas that our vehicles are unable to access, for example on rural collection points, will be issued a seagull sack free of charge on request.

Seagull sacks are highly durable, reusable extra thick woven polypropylene bags with a Velcro lid and weighted base. They are 170l in size, nearly the same capacity as the wheeled bins.

In order to help us prevent litter and scavenging animals, please ensure that you always use a reusable  seagull-proof refuse sack when you put out your non-recyclable waste for collection.


Home composters

Residents who do not want to subscribe to our garden waste service, may want to Buy a home composter.

Compostable sacks

Please see our Garden waste page for information about our paid-for garden waste collection service, and if you choose the pay-as-you-go option, our page on Where to buy compostable sacks.