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What is compulsory recycling?

Section 46 of the Environment Protection Act 1990 states that:

'(1) ...the authority may, by notice served ... require the occupier to place the waste for collection in receptacles of a kind and number specified...

(6) A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any requirements imposed ... shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.'

In November 2015, we introduced a Compulsory Recycling Policy in line with the above legislation, aimed at encouraging residents to put their waste out in the correct containers and at the correct times as prescribed by us.

What is the aim of the Compulsory Recycling Policy?

The aim of the policy is to increase recycling rates, reduce service costs, reduce black sack waste (in particular garden waste in black sacks) and minimise the impact on the environment.

Could I be liable for prosecution?

It is NOT aimed at those who are already putting their waste out correctly, but at those refusing to recycle or persistently failing to comply with our requirements.

For cases where waste is continually being left out on the kerbside and/or in the wrong containers, we will approach residents identified as being responsible in an effort to educate and encourage them to recycle properly.

Prosecution will only take place if the Three Steps to Rubbish and Recycling Enforcement have been followed and failed to yield any improvements by the persistent offender.