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How to present your waste and recycling for collection in windy weather

To stop high winds blowing away your recycling and rubbish, for which you remain responsible until it is collected, please take these simple steps where possible:

  • Squash all materials except glass and aerosols
  • Stack recycling boxes with the lighter one below, the heavier one above, and the locked food bin on top
  • If possible, put all waste containers in a sheltered yet visible spot
  • If your recycling containers are only half-full and you can manage, think about waiting until next week to leave them out when the weather may be calmer
  • If you have one, please use a lid to stop your recycling from blowing out
  • Put containers out on the morning of your collection to keep them out of the wind. Instead of putting recycling out the night before - Please make sure your waste and recycling is out for collection by 6am on the day of your collection
  • Stop your recycling containers from blowing away by bringing them back in as soon as you can after your collection
  • To help our crew's work swiftly and efficiently, sort and roughly segregate materials in your boxes. For more information on how to best sort your recycling please refer to our recycling guidance

In severe weather, collection services may be delayed or suspended and recycling sites may close at short notice. If a collection is missed in severe weather, crews will make a return pick-up as soon as possible. Garden waste collections may be suspended to help maintain rubbish and recycling collections, as per the collection service terms and conditions

Any disruptions to our waste and recycling collections will be on our website here: Daily waste collection updates - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK

Check for weather warnings in the South West on the Met Office website.

The latest information on flooding can be found on the Environment Agency website.

Click here for a flood alert map.