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Posted On: 17-08-2020
Posted In: Breaking news

Mid Devon District Council's response to the Crediton Courier's article published Friday, 14 August 2020: Ramble against racism hit snag in Mid Devon:

"We fully support the sentiment behind Tsara’s walks across our district and applaud her for her passion and motivation to spread her message. However, as a public body, we must ensure our communities have clarity over what are official council publications and what are sent out by individuals. The fact that we received enquiries about the planning application notice demonstrates the confusion that can arise. The people of Mid Devon have many different views and political stances and it is not for the council to support individuals with their own causes, whatever they may be. If we had been approached for comment, before this article appeared in the press, we would have ensured our communities were aware of our continued support for equality across Mid Devon and that the issue here is the misrepresentation of a council document, rather than the sentiment contained within it. The letter sent to Tsara also made this clear, but it is disappointing that the article does not reflect this, nor our desire for an amicable solution."