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Cabinet Meeting Outcome (02 April 2024)

Group Cabinet had before it a report from the Environment and Enforcement Manager and the Corporate Manager for People, Governance and Waste providing recommendations from the Parking Consultation Working Group.


  1. Cabinet APPROVED the proposed tariff changes that have come from the Car Parking Consultation Working Group and been recommended for approval by Economy PDG for ratification.
  2. Cabinet APPROVED five free Saturdays for parking at the Multi Storey car park, Tiverton, High Street (St Saviours), Crediton and Station Road, Cullompton in the lead up to Christmas 2024.
Posted On: 25-03-2024
Posted In: Community

A raft of changes to Mid Devon’s parking charges are closer to being adopted, after a new group, made up of local businesses and councillors, put forward a series of changes.

The Mid Devon Parking Consultation Group is made up of business and community representatives along with town and district councillors. It was formed in the Autumn to ensure communities and businesses were listened to when planning future car parking charges.

These meetings have now led to the group’s first proposed changes which include:

Councillor Guy Cochran, Chairman of the Parking Consultation Group, said:

“I am delighted with the positive collaboration established between the Council and our community and business representatives in such a short period of time. This bodes well for the future and hopefully we can continue to work together for more progress over future months.”

Councillor James Buczkowski, Cabinet Member for Finance, said:

“I look forward to our Cabinet being able to consider these important proposals which our representatives believe will make our community more accessible to residents and visitors. I am very pleased to see the positive input that the Parking Consultation Group is already making and the way it is informing future decisions that are considered by the Council.”

The proposal will now be discussed at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on 2 April 2024. If approved there will be a further five day calling in period before any changes could be approved.