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Posted On: 21-08-2024
Posted In: Breaking news

A new four-year plan, to shape the work of Mid Devon District Council, has been launched.

The Mid Devon Corporate Plan has been drawn up following input from councillors, officers and members of the public, who took time to take part in the Council’s annual residents’ survey.

As a result, the plan shows Mid Devon’s priorities and targets up to 2028.

The public can check progress against the plan’s targets through a series of performance dashboard available online. Residents also got the chance to read about progress over the past year through displays at the recent Mid Devon Show – these infographics are now on display in the foyer of the council offices in Tiverton.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Luke Taylor, said:

“This plan is the work of many months of collaboration with our partners and those who work for us. We listened to our resident’s and their priorities and now we have a plan to drive forward our progress and support the authority’s key ambitions for the district.”

The resident and budget survey ran throughout November and into December, with more than 800 residents completing the questionnaire.

Results from the survey were also used to feed into the Council’s budget-setting process and questions included topics such as climate change and dealing with economic pressures, as well as listening to how communities feel about current service provision and where the Council can improve.

Councillor Taylor added:

“We are an ambitious council, always looking to improve, despite the constraints of local government finances. We are also very open and I am glad our residents and businesses can monitor our progress against the new plan, if they wish to. We know it is increasingly difficult to provide a high level of service, with increasing costs and less funding, but we look forward to working with partners and communities to make Mid Devon a great place to live, work and visit.”