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Posted On: 27-04-2020
Posted In: Community

Community Support Hotline logo/graphicMid Devon’s Community Support Hub is up and running and the first food parcels have been delivered to vulnerable residents, but the Council is keen to hear from people out there who need further help.

The Council has set up the Covid-19 Community Support Hotline to help individuals who are in need of extra help at this difficult time. The hotline is also there to help family, friends or neighbours raise concerns about someone in their community they are worried about. And while many people have taken up the offer of support, the Council knows more people are out there who may not have access to the help they need and are encouraging neighbours and relatives to get in touch via the hotline number.

In addition to the Mid Devon hotline, the Council is also running a shielding hub as part of a Devon-wide project to support those in the community who are extremely vulnerable. Over the past four weeks the Council has received 59 referrals from vulnerable residents and made 52 deliveries of emergency food packs. Council staff are also working very closely with CHAT (Churches Housing Action Team) to support the local foodbank. Demands for help have increased rapidly over recent weeks and Council staff have been helping CHAT to keep up with demand by delivering food parcel to needy residents.

John Bodley-Scott, Economic Development Team Leader who is co-ordinating the Mid Devon Community Support Hub and Hotline, said:

“We are in uncharted waters but I am very proud of what we have achieved locally in a very short space of time. Colleagues from across the Council, together with our partners in the community, have worked hard to get this project off the ground, and to provide the support that people need. It is very hard to predict what will happen over the next few weeks, whether demand will tail off as people find their own way to meet their needs, or whether demand will increase, as people’s support networks start to come under strain. Either way support is available and we would encourage people who may need it to get in touch.”

To contact the Community Support Hub call 01884 234387, the line will be open Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5:00pm and Fridays 8.30am until 4.30pm.

You can also email or visit

An online form is also available at