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Posted On: 17-08-2022
Posted In: Bins

As more and more residents across Mid Devon receive their new wheelie bin, ready for the Council’s launch of the Bin-it 123 collection service, we are sharing the benefits of the new scheme.

The Council is committed to increase recycling and reduce waste and is introducing a three weekly, non-recyclable waste collection service from October.

While the changes don’t come into effect until the autumn residents can start to use their bin as soon as it arrives.

Cllr Colin Slade, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Climate, said:

“We still have a couple of months before the changes come into effect but now is the time to start using your bin, to think about what you already recycle and to check if the rubbish you throw away really needs to go in your black bin.”

Mid Devon has not implemented any significant changes to its waste collections since 2015 and is now looking to follow many others local authorities, including neighbouring Somerset, which have successfully implemented three-weekly non-recyclable waste schemes.

By introducing the Bin-It 123 collection cycle (with food waste collected weekly, dry recycling and chargeable garden waste each fortnight and black bin waste every three weeks) the Council will be able to improve recycling rates, decrease the amount of waste collected and in turn reduce the carbon impact and cut emissions from our collection vehicles. It will also help the Council to meet with Government guidelines to recycle 65% of household waste by 2035 and Devon’s proposed 60% target rate by 2025.

Cllr Slade added:

“We know our communities are keen to help support our environmental aims and this is a way we can all do that.”

Further information and FAQs about the new service are available on our website at If you have a question you want answered about Bin-It 123 please contact us via email at or give us a call on 01884 255 255.

Remember you can also look up your collection date online at