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Posted On: 10-01-2022
Posted In: Community

Wanted: New cafe operator posterA quality, forward-thinking operator is being sought to run the café at Tiverton Pannier Market and join the mission to revitalise the historic venue.

The market enjoyed a renaissance in 2021, with a plethora of new traders, events, promotions and features raising the venue’s profile locally and further afield.

Plans are afoot to further enhance the market in 2022, including new initiatives to attract traders and customers.

It is hoped the launch of a new café will help to stimulate the revival and boost visitor numbers.

Jim Bray, market manager, said:

“These are exciting times at Tiverton Pannier Market.
“Last year brought a number of successes, including the arrival of many new traders, the launch of Market Fest, the all-new Tiverton Farmers Market and other events, the elevation of street food, live music and performances by local groups, the strengthening of links with schools and the community and the introduction of artwork, a Christmas Photo Booth and other features to enhance the look and feel of the building.
“We’re keen to push on in 2022 – and do so alongside a quality café operator who is as eager as us to breathe new life into the market and the town centre.
“There is great potential for the right person or business, bearing in mind the central location with indoor and outdoor space and guaranteed footfall from general markets every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, monthly farmers markets and other events.
“The new operator can also open on other days of the week and take advantage of affordable rent and the inclusion of water, electricity, tables, chairs and a variety of equipment and utensils.
“We’ll look kindly on applicants with energy, enthusiasm, a strong catering background, a reputation for quality home-made food, an appetite to use local suppliers and ingredients and a friendly disposition who would fit in well with the market family.
“Are you up for the challenge?”

For an application form or an informal chat, call Jim on 07815 791191 or e-mail him at

The deadline for applications is midnight on Saturday 5 February, with interviews planned for mid-February and the aim for the new operator to start in March at the latest.

Jim added:

“Visitors can enjoy an intriguing variety of food and drink on market days before the successful applicant starts.
“We’ll continue to promote local street food operators and caterers on a rota basis, including Cheese Please Louise, Shillings Burgers and The Coffee Rover.
“People can sample traditional winter warmer food, burgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, home-made cakes, high-grade coffee and much more over the coming weeks, while checking out our excellent array of stalls.”