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Posted On: 06-07-2022
Posted In: Community

Revitalising our Hi!StreetAs part of ambitious plans to improve Cullompton’s historic high street, a public consultation is launching this week.

The plans being shared build on the previous town centre consultation undertaken during 2021, but this time there is a focus on plans to enhance the area around the War Memorial and the Higher Bullring.

The proposals for the area include an enhanced space for community events, markets, and cultural activities, as well as:

The Higher Bullring has traditionally been used as an important community, commercial and gathering space for the town, with the original market charter granted in 1257. As traffic flows have increased over time, the area for pedestrians and markets has reduced, and this project seeks to return the space back to people and market focussed uses.

Previous consultation responses showed strong support for public realm enhancements in the area, with 89% of respondents stating that the Higher Bullring area needed improving. Key issues raised during consultation included a desire to see a larger area for town centre events, improved materiality, and an improved pedestrian experience.

Have your say

It is now time to have your say on the proposals. You can find the plans online (visit Cullompton High Street Heritage Action Zone - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK) and at the Hayridge Centre, along with further information and the survey. The project team will also be running an event in the Walronds Garden on the 26th July from 10am to 1pm and will also attend the Farmers’ Market on the 30th July. The consultation is open until the 21st August 2022.

The project is a key part of Cullompton’s High Street Heritage Action Zone, funded by Historic England with a grant of up to £1.1m, with match funding contributions from Mid Devon District Council, Cullompton Town Council, and Devon County Council.

Rebecca Barrett, Regional Director for Historic England in the South West, said:

“High streets can play a vital role in helping to bring people and communities together. It is great news that there are plans to improve the well-loved and historic Higher Bullring area of Cullompton. It has the potential to be more people-friendly and to provide more space for the successful market to expand.”

Cllr Richard Chesterton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration at Mid Devon District Council, said:

“It is great to see these concept designs for the historic Higher Bullring area of Cullompton. The proposals will provide a greater focus for civic pride and community events in the town centre. I encourage the community to respond to the consultation to ensure it reflects the town’s needs, and really delivers a high quality town centre for the future.’

The proposals have been designed in such a way that they can be expanded in the future by Devon County Council in line with longer term aspirations for the town, once circumstances allow.

Devon County Council is working with Mid Devon District Council, as project lead, to progress the next stage of technical work ahead of delivery of the scheme. The project team will take on board the outcome of this consultation as the proposals are further refined and developed.

For more information about the project visit: