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Posted On: 16-02-2024
Posted In: Business and economy

Businesses are invited to a drop-in event on Friday 23 February to find out more about a potential new work hub coming to Tiverton and identify their needs from a co-working space.

This event is a chance for local professionals to find out more about a potential new work hub coming to Tiverton.

‘The Workbox’ is running a study on behalf of Mid Devon District Council to identify demand for a new co-working space in the town centre of Tiverton. The former Market Centre building has the potential to be converted into a work hub for freelancers, home-based businesses and remote professionals to use as an affordable collaborative workspace. Local professionals have been completing a short survey to collate their views and needs.

Tim Dwelly, Director of the UK Workhubs Network, said:

“The feedback we have already had from local freelancers, micro businesses and homeworkers has been really positive. They are saying they need a professional HQ with modern facilities and ultrafast fibre to help them work more productively. Most want the best of both worlds: choosing when to use a work hub or work from home. Some want their own office too - which would be possible here. We hope that many more people who work this way in Mid Devon will take the survey. The more we hear from them the more we can show there is the demand to make this exciting project get delivered.”

In addition to the online survey, businesses (aspiring, start-up or established) are invited to pop along to the Market Centre on Friday 23 February to meet the consultant behind the study, find out more about this project and have the chance to feed in your ideas; what would you need from a work hub? This is a drop-in event where people can come and go anytime between 11am and 2pm. Light refreshments (tea, coffee and cake) will be provided.

“Statistics from September 2022 show that around 1 in 5 (22%) of the British workforce worked at least one day from home per week and around 1 in 8 (13%) worked from home exclusively. An opportunity was identified through the Shared Prosperity and Rural England Prosperity Funds to reconnect these employees with their local town and provide an antidote to isolation through a facilitated work hub” explained Cllr Steven Keable, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration. He added, “this study will help us identify the need and gaps in provision locally, how a new hub might connect with wider flexible workspace provision in other towns and meet the growth and start-up needs for local professionals and entrepreneurs.”

Businesses interested in using the workspace are encouraged to complete the survey via as well as coming to the event on 23 February.

Officers from Mid Devon District Council's Economic Development team will also be on hand at the event to speak to businesses about any other funding opportunities available through the SPF and REPF. If you are looking to grow your business or have questions about business support needs, please drop-in and speak to a member of the team.

For more information about the Work Hub Project, please contact