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Elections in May 2025

Devon County Council elections, along with some parish and district elections will be held on Thursday 1 May 2025.

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Be Curious

Support this county-wide campaign to raise awareness of exploitation within communities

Access to Information

This is about how we process your data, And what information you can ask for.

Consultation & involvement

Information on current and past consultations, petitions and forums

Councillors & democracy

Information about councillors, including meetings, agendas and minutes

Council Tax information

Find out how much council tax you'll pay and how it will be spent in 2023/24

Culm Garden Village

Visit our new website to find out about a new settlement proposed near Cullompton

Customer feedback and complaints

We welcome your feedback, whether a complaint, comment or compliment.

Customer Services

Information about how to contact us including our opening times

Emergency planning

Dealing with emergencies and civil contingencies

Energy switching service

Switch supplier and save money using our energy comparison service

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Mid Devon District Council is committed to promoting equality for all those who live in, work in or visit Mid Devon.


The council's Annual Report and Accounts set out the overall financial position and detail the financial transactions relating to the council's activities for the last financial year.

How the council works

Info about how we are governed, our decision making processes & corporate priorities

How to find us

Our main office is based in Tiverton, near junction 27 on the M5 near Exeter and Taunton

Internal audit

The Internal Audit team provide an independent and objective opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council's governance, internal control and risk management arrangements.


Find our about current vacancies, the benefits of working here and how to apply for a role.

Lifeline alarms

Our Lifeline alarm service provides emergency assistance balanced with independent living


Geographical information for Mid Devon to include neighbouring authorities, wards and parishes

Meet the Leadership Team

Find out about our Chief Executive and Directors for strategic leadership

News and Media Relations

Find information on where to get the latest updates on our services, how to get in touch with our team if you're a journalist and providing feedback on our website. You can also see our strategy detailing our approach to effective internal and external communications - published every two years.

Performance - How we are performing

The webpage provides information on the council's priorities and how it is performing. Specifically it includes sections on the Corporate Plan, Performance Dashboards, Residents Survey, and the Corporate Peer Challenge.

Tiverton Pannier Market

Visit our Tiverton Pannier Market website for information on traders and market events

Town and parish councils

All information regarding Town and Parish Councils

Visit Mid Devon

Looking for things to do or places to see in Mid Devon? Visit our website to plan your trip!

Voting & elections

All you need to know about Elections, electoral registration and other elections

What’s on in Mid Devon?

Find out about upcoming events in Mid Devon to entertain you and your family