Quarter 1 Jan-Mar 2024
How the requests have been dealt with |
Number of requests |
Requests Received | 228 |
Requests Withdrawn | 0 |
Requests not yet processed | 0 |
Requests where we are awaiting further information | 0 |
Requests where the deadline has been extended | 2 |
Requests received and processed in full | 228 |
Requests where the deadline has been extended | 2 |
Requests where the processing took longer than the statutory deadline | 2 |
Requests where information is granted in full | 98 |
Requests where information refused in full | 32 |
Requests where the information was not held by us | 40 |
Requests where the information was granted in part and refused in part | 54 |
Requests where information is part granted and part not held by us | 17 |
Requests where they were part rejected and part not held by us | 4 |
Requests received that have been referred for internal review | 6 |