Transparency Code
The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 sets out what information Local Authorities should be providing to inform the public. This page provides a list of the information disclosed under the transparency code and links to where they can be viewed. More details of the Transparency Code can be found here: Local government transparency code 2015 - GOV.UK.
The MDDC Constitution:
The MDDC constitution is available here: Constitution - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
Expenditures Exceeding £500:
Expenditures exceeding £500 are available here: Payments to suppliers - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
Transactions on Government Procurement Card:
Procurement card spends are available here Procurement card spend - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
Invitations to Tender Exceeding £5000
Invitations to tender exceeding £5000 are available here: Current contract opportunities - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
Procurement Contracts Exceeding £5000
Procurement Contracts are available here: Procurement Contracts - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
Income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account.
Information about the Mid Devon District Council Annual Costs and Income From Parking can be found here.
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (separate list or by annotating the expenditure over £500 data set)
This part is being collated and will be published on completion.
External waste contracts
MDDC do not have any External Waste Contracts.
All land and building assets
This part is being collated and will be published on completion.
The value of social housing asset value
The Spreadsheet for the social housing asset value here: Social housing asset value
Organisation chart for the top 3 hierarchical levels
This Structure Chart is available Here:
Trade union facility time
Details of Trade Union Facility time can be found here:
Senior salaries
A list of Senior Salaries is currently published in the following annual report: Contemporary Report
Pay Multiple
A list of Pay Multiples is currently published in the following annual report: Contemporary Report
Counter fraud work
This part is being collated and will be published on completion.
Number of parking spaces
We so not provide any on-road parking, we do however provide a list of off-road car parking sites and spaces here: Car parking - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK, Details of Penalty Charge Notices can be found in the Open Data Sets