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What personal information do we hold?

If you request to speak in public question time at any public meeting of the Council or with regard to a planning application at planning committee, we will note your name and this will appear in the minutes of the meeting along with your question or statement.

The Committee Clerk for a particular meeting will require your name and possibly your email address and/or your telephone number, so that she may correspond with you.

We collect this information in a number of ways, including over the phone, in person, in writing and by email.

Why is the information collected?

The name of the person requesting to speak is collected for the purposes of the minutes of the meeting.

Contact details will be collected for correspondence purposes only.

Your name will be used within the minutes of the meeting if you are asking a question/making a statement at a meeting of the Council. Contact information will be used by the Committee Clerk if she needs to get in touch with you.

Your name will appear in the minutes of the meeting at which you speak, these minutes will be published on the Council's website and held within a minute book.

Your contact details will only be used by the Committee Clerk.

Information held on paper is stored securely with restricted access. Our ICT systems are accredited to Public Service Network Standards.

Your name will stay within the minutes of the meeting in perpetuity.

Your contact details will be securely disposed of after a period of 12 months.

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