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Due to increasing pressures on our budget and the need to prioritise how we spend council taxpayers' money, we are no longer able to provide sandbags for flood protection. Householders are encouraged to think ahead about how best to protect your property in the event of flooding and make suitable arrangements. 

We will continue to work with the Flood Risk Management Team at Devon County Council and the Environment Agency to support local communities at risk, in some cases possibly with help from their local parish or town council.

Advice and information

Sandbags are not necessarily the best way to protect your property from flooding:  they're heavy and they can leak and rot. Boards - whether purchased or homemade - offer more effective protection. If you do an internet search for "floodboards" you'll be able to find details of suppliers.

The following links also provide useful advice: - Flooding and extreme weather - Prepare your property for flooding - Sandbags and how to use them properly for flood protection