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Contacting Mid Devon District Council

Our website ( meets accessibility requirements (WCAG2.1). We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website.

You can contact Mid Devon District Council by


Telephone: 01884 255255


Customer Services

Mid Devon District Council

Phoenix House

Phoenix Lane

Tiverton EX16 6PP


We’ll consider your request and get back to you within 2 days.

We provide a relay assistance service for people who are D/deaf, hearing impaired or have a speech impediment.

Our offices have audio induction loops, or if you contact us before your visit we can arrange a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter.

The Council subscribes to Language Line. This service supports callers who cannot, or prefer not to speak English. We will also consider requests to have documents translated.


Clinical Waste Collection

Web link:

Telephone: 01884 255255

We can provide a free collection for infectious waste such as hypodermic needles and dialysis waste


Assisted Waste Collection

Web link:

Telephone: 01884 255255

If you're unable to bring your waste to the kerbside you may be entitled to an assisted collection


Disabled Facility Grant

Web link:

Help towards the cost of adapting your home if you’re disabled to enable you to continue living there


Lifeline Alarms


Telephone: 01884 255255

Providing lifeline alarms gives peace of mind to people that feel at risk in their own homes with help available at the touch of a button. This service is available to anyone living in Mid Devon.


Mid Devon Shopmobility

Web link:



Shopmobility provides manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to help people with limited mobility to shop and use town centre facilities.

Multi Story Car Park, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton EX16 6NB                                                     

Opening Times Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm Tel: 01884 242099


Mid Devon Housing Tenants


Telephone: 01884 255255

Mid Devon Housing makes all events for tenants accessible, whether they are in person or online. If you have concerns regarding the accessibility of an event please contact us.

Vulnerabilities: Mid Devon Housing’s (MDH) Vulnerability Policy states that MDH has due regard for tenants with any health issues (including mental health issues) and will look at ways to support them including making reasonable adjustments in the way we communicate with them. The Policy gives guidance to Officers on ways to identify vulnerable tenants with mental health issues and offers a range of procedures to help support the tenant, this can include signposting to other support services. If you have a vulnerability you would like to discuss with us, please contact us.